


BGP协议主要由HeaderBGP Message Types组成

Message Header Format

=> RFC4271 Sec 4.1

0                   1                   2                   3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|                                                               |
+                                                               +
|                                                               |
+                                                               +
|                           Marker                              |
+                                                               +
|                                                               |
|          Length               |      Type     |


1 - OPEN

P.S Type: 5 - ROUTE-REFRESH出自 RFC2918 Sec 3.
Type: 6 - DYNAMIC CAPABILITY出自 draft-ietf-idr-dynamic-cap-16 Sec 3.

OPEN Message Format

Open结构为Version(1字节)、My Autonomous System(2字节)、Hold Time(2字节)、BGP Identifier(4字节,BGP IP)、Optional Parameters Length(1字节)、Optional Parameters(变长)
=> RFC4271 Sec 4.2

0                   1                   2                   3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|    Version    |
|     My Autonomous System      |
|           Hold Time           |
|                         BGP Identifier                        |
| Opt Parm Len  |
|                                                               |
|             Optional Parameters (variable)                    |
|                                                               |
0                   1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
|  Parm. Type   | Parm. Length  |  Parameter Value (variable)

Optional Parameters内部结构为1个或多个<Parameter Type, Parameter Length, Parameter Value>三元组(1字节,1字节,x字节)

This field contains a list of optional parameters, in which each parameter is encoded as a <Parameter Type, Parameter Length, Parameter Value> triplet.

Parameter Type可以为ReservedParameter Type 0)、Authentication (deprecated)Parameter Type 1)、Capability CodesParameter Type 2

最常用的还是Capability Codes,其内部格式为1个或多个<Capability Code, Capability Length, Capability Value>三元组
=> RFC3392 Sec 4.

| Capability Code (1 octet)    |
| Capability Length (1 octet)  |
| Capability Value (variable)  |


=> IANA-Capability-Codes


graph LR
X(Optional Parameters)--> T1(Opt Param tuple)
T1(Opt Param tuple)--> A("Parameter Type(if Capability Codes)")
T1(Opt Param tuple)--> B(Parameter Length)
T1(Opt Param tuple)--> C(Parameter Value)
C(Parameter Value)--> CT1(Cap Code tuple)
CT1(Cap Code tuple)--> CTA(Capability Code)
CT1(Cap Code tuple)--> CTB(Capability Length)
CT1(Cap Code tuple)--> CTC(Capability Value)
C(Parameter Value)--> CT2(...)
X(Optional Parameters)--> T2(...)

(1) Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4

Capability Code字段为1
Capability Length字段为变长
Capability Value如下:Address Family Identifier(2字节)、Reserved(1字节,默认为0)、Subsequent Address Family Identifier(1字节)

0       7      15      23      31
|      AFI      | Res.  | SAFI  |

=> RFC2858 Sec 7.

(2) Route Refresh Capability for BGP-4

Capability Code字段为2
Capability Length字段为0
=> RFC2918 Sec 2.

(3) Outbound Route Filtering Capability

Capability Code字段为3
Capability Length字段为变长
Capability Value字段为一个或者多个如下结构

| Address Family Identifier (2 octets)             |
| Reserved (1 octet)                               |
| Subsequent Address Family Identifier (1 octet)   |
| Number of ORFs (1 octet)                         |
| ORF Type (1 octet)                               |
| Send/Receive (1 octet)                           |
| ...                                              |
| ORF Type (1 octet)                               |
| Send/Receive (1 octet)                           |

=> RFC5291 Sec 5.

(4) Multiple routes to a destination capability (deprecated)

Capability Code字段为4
=> RFC8277 Sec 6.

(5) Extended Next Hop Encoding

Capability Code字段为5
Capability Length字段为变长

| NLRI AFI - 1 (2 octets)                             |
| NLRI SAFI - 1 (2 octets)                            |
| Nexthop AFI - 1 (2 octets)                          |
| .....                                               |
| NLRI AFI - N (2 octets)                             |
| NLRI SAFI - N (2 octets)                            |
| Nexthop AFI - N (2 octets)                          |

=> RFC8950 Sec 4.

(6) BGP Extended Message

Capability Code字段为6
Capability Length字段为0
=> RFC8654 Sec 3.

(7) BGPsec Capability

Capability Code字段为7
Capability Length字段为3
Capability Value字段如下

  0   1   2   3      4      5   6   7
| Version          | Dir |  Unassigned  |
|                                       |
+------           AFI              -----+
|                                       |

=> RFC8205 Sec 2.1.

(8) Multiple Labels Capability

Capability Code字段为8
Capability Length字段为变长
Capability Value字段为一个或多个<AFI, SAFI, Count>三元组

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|              AFI              |    SAFI       |    Count      ~
~              AFI              |    SAFI       |    Count      |

=> RFC8277 Sec 2.1.

(9) BGP Role

Capability Code字段为9
Capability Length字段为1
Capability Value字段如下

Value	Role name (for the local AS)
0	Provider
1	RS
2	RS-Client
3	Customer
4	Peer (i.e., Lateral Peer)
5-255	Unassigned

=> RFC9234 Sec 4.1.

(64) Graceful Restart Capability

Capability Code字段为64
Capability Length字段为变长
Capability Value字段为ReStart FlagsRestart Time in seconds和一个或多个<AFI, SAFI, Flags for Address Family>三元组

| Restart Flags (4 bits)                           |
| Restart Time in seconds (12 bits)                |
| Address Family Identifier (16 bits)              |
| Subsequent Address Family Identifier (8 bits)    |
| Flags for Address Family (8 bits)                |
| ...                                              |
| Address Family Identifier (16 bits)              |
| Subsequent Address Family Identifier (8 bits)    |
| Flags for Address Family (8 bits)                |

Restart Flags:
 0 1 2 3

Flags for Address Family:
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
|F|   Reserved  |

=> RFC4724 Sec 3.

(65) Support for 4-octet AS number capability

Capability Code字段为65
Capability Length字段为4
Capability Value字段为4字节的AS number
=> RFC6793 Sec 3.

(67) Support for Dynamic Capability (capability specific)

Capability Code字段为67
Capability Length字段为变长
Capability Value字段是一串capability codes,每个一字节

The Capability Value field consists of a list of capability codes (one-octet for each) that specify the capabilities that MAY be revised dynamically by the remote speaker.

=> draft-ietf-idr-dynamic-cap-16 Sec 2.

(68) Multisession BGP Capability

Capability Code字段为68
Capability Length字段为变长
Capability Value字段是一个FlagsG+Reserved)和0个或多个capability codes用于区别不同的组

 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
|G|  Reserved   |  Session Id   ~

=> draft-ietf-idr-bgp-multisession-07 Sec 4.

(69) ADD-PATH Capability

Capability Code字段为69
Capability Length字段为变长
Capability Value字段为一个或多个<AFI, SAFI, Send/Receive>三元组

| Address Family Identifier (2 octets)           |
| Subsequent Address Family Identifier (1 octet) |
| Send/Receive (1 octet)                         |

=> RFC7911 Sec 4.

(70) Enhanced Route Refresh Capability

Capability Code字段为70
Capability Length字段为0
=> RFC7313 Sec 3.1.

(71) Long-Lived Graceful Restart (LLGR) Capability

Capability Code字段为71
Capability Length字段为变长
Capability Value字段为0个或多个<AFI, SAFI, Flags, Long-lived Stale Time>四元组

| Address Family Identifier (16 bits)              |
| Subsequent Address Family Identifier (8 bits)    |
| Flags for Address Family (8 bits)                |
| Long-lived Stale Time (24 bits)                  |
| ...                                              |
| Address Family Identifier (16 bits)              |
| Subsequent Address Family Identifier (8 bits)    |
| Flags for Address Family (8 bits)                |
| Long-lived Stale Time (24 bits)                  |

=> RFC-ietf-idr-long-lived-gr-06 Sec 3.1

(72) Routing Policy Distribution

Capability Code字段为72
Capability Length字段为变长
Capability Value字段为1个或多个<AFI, SAFI, Send/Receive>三元组

|  Address Family Identifier (2 octets)            |
|  Subsequent Address Family Identifier (1 octet)  |
|  Send/Receive (1 octet)                          |

=> draft-ietf-idr-rpd-04 Sec 4.3

(128) Prestandard Route Refresh (deprecated)

同 (2) Route Refresh Capability for BGP-4

(130) Prestandard Outbound Route Filtering (deprecated)

同 (3) Outbound Route Filtering Capability

UPDATE Message Format

UPDATE Message主要用来构建描述各种自治域的关系图,用于向peer通告共享公共路径属性的可行路由或者撤回多个不可行路由

update结构为Withdrawn Routes Length(2字节)、Withdrawn Routes(变长)、Total Path Attribute Length(2字节)、Path Attributes(变长,其长度值为前一个字段)、Network Layer Reachability Information(变长,其长度值为Header长度减去Total Path Attribute Length

|   Withdrawn Routes Length (2 octets)                |
|   Withdrawn Routes (variable)                       |
|   Total Path Attribute Length (2 octets)            |
|   Path Attributes (variable)                        |
|   Network Layer Reachability Information (variable) |

Withdrawn Routes中是一些IP address prefix,每个IP address prefix都是<length, prefix>的二元组

|   Length (1 octet)        |
|   Prefix (variable)       |

每个Path Attributes都是一组<attribute type, attribute length, attribute value>三元组

Attribute Type是二个字节的字段。Attr. FlagsAttr. Type Code均一个字节

0                   1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
|  Attr. Flags  |Attr. Type Code|

=> RFC4271 Sec 4.3

Attr. Flags每个bits0/1均有不同的含义,例如第四个bitbit 3)表示是否是一个Extended长度的比特位,如果为0,则Attribute Length是1个字节,如果为1,则是2个字节

Attr. Type Code值如下



graph LR
X(Path Attributes)--> T1(tuple)
T1(tuple)--> A(attribute type)
A-->A1(Attr. Flags)
A-->A2(Attr. Type Code)
T1(tuple)--> B(attribute length)
T1(tuple)--> C(attribute value)
X(Path Attributes)--> T2(...)


Type Code为1
Attribute Len为1
Attribute Value可以为IGP(0)EGP(1)INCOMPLETE(2)

=> RFC4271 Sec 4.3


Type Code为2
Attribute Len为变长
Attribute Value为一组AS path segments,每一个AS path segments表示为<path segment type(1字节), path segment length(1字节), path segment value(变长)>三元组,

path segment type可以为AS_SET(1)AS_SEQUENCE(2)
path segment lengthASes的个数(不是path segment value的字节长度)
path segment value为一个或多个AS编号,每个编号2个字节

=> RFC4271 Sec 4.3


graph LR
X(Attribute Value)--> T1(AS path segments)
T1(AS path segments)--> A(path segment type)
T1(AS path segments)--> B(path segment length)
T1(AS path segments)--> C(path segment value)
C(path segment value)--> C1(AS number)
C(path segment value)--> C2(...)
X(Path Attributes)--> T2(...)


Type Code为3
Attribute Len为4
Attribute ValueIP address

=> RFC4271 Sec 4.3


Type Code为4
Attribute Len为4
Attribute Value为4个字节的无符号整数,用于区别邻居自治域的入口点

=> RFC4271 Sec 4.3


Type Code为5
Attribute Len为4
Attribute Value为4个字节的无符号整数,用于通知内部对等节点,广告路由的偏好程度(不是很理解)

=> RFC4271 Sec 4.3


Type Code为6
Attribute Len为0

=> RFC4271 Sec 4.3


Type Code为7
Attribute Len为6(某些实现下为8,即AS number(4字节)
Attribute Valuethe last AS number(2字节)the IP address(4字节)


Type Code为8
Attribute Len为变长
Attribute Value为一组4字节的community

=> RFC1997


Type Code为9
Attribute Len为4
Attribute Value为本地自治域的BGP Identifier


=> RFC4456 Sec 8.


Type Code为10
Attribute Len为变长
Attribute Value为一组4字节的CLUSTER_ID

=> RFC4456 Sec 8.


Type Code为14
Attribute Len为变长
Attribute ValueAFI(2字节)SAFI(1字节)Length of Next Hop Network Address(1字节)Network Address of Next Hop(变长)Reserved(1字节)NLRI(变长)

Network Address of Next HopNLRI均由<AFI, SAFI>标识

| Address Family Identifier (2 octets)                    |
| Subsequent Address Family Identifier (1 octet)          |
| Length of Next Hop Network Address (1 octet)            |
| Network Address of Next Hop (variable)                  |
| Reserved (1 octet)                                      |
| Network Layer Reachability Information (variable)       |

=> RFC4760 Sec 3.


Type Code为15
Attribute Len为变长
Attribute ValueAFI(2字节)SAFI(1字节)Withdrawn Routes(变长)

| Address Family Identifier (2 octets)                    |
| Subsequent Address Family Identifier (1 octet)          |
| Withdrawn Routes (variable)                             |

Withdrawn Routes<AFI, SAFI>标识

=> RFC4760 Sec 4.


Type Code为16
Attribute Len为变长
Attribute Value为一系列extended communities,每个Extended Community均是8个字节的如下结构

如果是Regular type,则是1个字节,如果是Extended type,则是2个字节

- Type Field  : 1 or 2 octets
- Value Field : Remaining octets

 0                   1                   2                   3
 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
|  Type high    |  Type low(*)  |                               |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+          Value                |
|                                                               |

=> RFC4360 Sec 2.

(17) AS4_PATH

Type Code为17
Attribute Len为4
Attribute Value为4字节的AS4_PATH

=> RFC6793 Sec 9.


Type Code为18
Attribute Len为8
Attribute Valuethe last AS number(4字节)the IP address(4字节)

=> RFC6793 Sec 9.

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